Once your car has been collected and taken to be crushed or used for parts, it no longer belongs to you. Not only does that mean you will have made some cash for selling it, but you also no longer need to worry about paying its road tax or insuring it.
However, it’s all well and good cancelling your direct debits, but if you don’t inform the relevant authorities, you can expect some unwanted correspondence dropping through your letterbox. You could even face a substantial fine. The DVLA must be made aware of the scrappage using the method below.
What Do I Need to Notify the DVLA of Scrapping My Car?
The one and only item you’ll need to inform the DVLA of your car’s scrappage is its V5C, which is more commonly known as the log book. This V5C document contains an 11-digit reference number which the Agency requires to identify you and your registered vehicle.
If you’ve received a Certificate of Destruction (CoD) from the Authorised Treatment Facility (ATF) that scrapped your car, you should keep this in a safe place, too. You probably won’t need it, but it’s the only official paperwork you’ll have to prove that your vehicle has indeed been destroyed.
How Do I Notify the DVLA That My Car Has Been Scrapped?
Once you’ve located your 11-digit reference number, you can alert the DVLA to the fact that your car has been sold as scrap via the GOV.uk website. You’ll need to enter the company name and address of the ATF (or insurance company, if it was written off) before entering the vehicle’s registration number and the log book reference number.
At this point, your log book should go the same way as the car – it needs to be destroyed. If the ATF has already taken it off your hands when they collected your car to take it for scrapping, you don’t need to worry about that. The scrap buyers will handle it for you.
What Happens After I’ve Notified the DVLA?
With the DVLA made aware of the sale and scrappage of your car, all that’s left is for them to send across the relevant correspondence to confirm that they’ve received your notification loud and clear and settle any outstanding payments. This will come in the form of an email and letter confirming that you are no longer the registered keeper of the car, plus a cheque to refund you any full months of road tax that you had paid. The DVLA will cancel your direct debit automatically, if you opted to pay that way.
What If I Can’t Notify the DVLA Online?
If you’re reading this, you’re on the internet, so it’s unlikely you’d be unable to notify the DVLA online… but to cover all the bases, here’s how you can notify them of your scrap car sale the old fashioned way.
Within your log book, you’ll find a yellow, perforated segment – section nine – referring to the sale, transfer or part-exchange of the vehicle to another company within the motor vehicle industry. The ATF or insurance company that is acquiring the car from you must fill it in and return it to you, so that you can then send it to the DVLA.
If you don’t have the car’s log book, you’ll need to write to the DVLA, detailing:
- Your name & address
- The vehicle registration number
- The make & model of the car
- The date of sale
- The name & address of the scrapyard or insurance company
This paperwork should be sent to:
SA99 1BD
Make sure that everything is documented correctly, as inaccuracies will lead to the DVLA rejecting your notification.
What Happens If I Don’t Notify the DVLA?
The process may be extremely simple, but failing to complete it to let the DVLA know about your car’s fate can be costly. In fact, if you’re caught out, you can expect a significant chunk of your scrap sale money to be heading their way, as you’ll be hit with a £1,000 fine to pay.
Therefore, it pays to be punctual and to keep on top of everything you need to do after selling your car as scrap or salvage. Scrap Cars For Cash can quote you the best prices that the scrap metal market can offer, but we can’t prevent the DVLA from requesting a cut of your profits. Take a few moments to fill in the required online forms and keep hold of your cash.
If you want to find out just how much money you could make from your old car, take a look at our Scrap Cars For Cash quote generator and get a price in an instant. Our fleet of collection vehicles spans the country, meaning your car can be picked up and taken away from anywhere in the UK, and at no extra cost! So, find your local scrap dealer and give us a call on 0844 3761020 and speak to our sales team, or request a call back by filling out our online form and sell your car today!